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文档介绍:北京一对一上门家教品牌家教电话: 010 — 62561255 清华北大家教中心家教电话: 010 — 62561255 2011-2012 学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 I. Listening (30%) Part A Short conversations Directions: In this part you will hear 10 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will be asked a question about what was said. A fter you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. a. tomorrow b. next week c. the day after tomorrow d. today 2. a. Close the window b. Take some fresh air c. Move to another room d. Put on more clothes 3. a. Tony could not continue the experiment b. Tony finished the experiment last night c. Tony thought the experiment was well done d. Tony had expected the experiment to be easier 4. a. The man should stick to what he is doing b. The man should take upa new hobby c. The man should stop playing tennis man should find the cause for his failure 北京一对一上门家教品牌家教电话: 010 — 62561255 清华北大家教中心家教电话: 010 — 62561255 5. a. He might go to the movies when he finishes studying. b. He doesn ’t know if he can concentrate ona movie. c. He needs to stop studying for a while. d. He can ’t think about anything but studying. 6. a. He doesn ’t like to talk b. He isa very kind man. c. He is friendly d. He is not a pleasant person. 7. a. The doctor won ’t see her tomorrow. b. The doctor is busy tomorrow. c. The doctor is busy all day today. d. The doctor will see her today. 8. a. Young people are too quick in making decision. b. Young people seldom stay long on the same job. c. Young people lose their jobs easily. d. Young people are too eager to eed. 9. a. He prefers to cook his lunch by himself. b. He tries to keep healthy. c. He doesn ’t think the cafeteria serves him well enough. d. He thinks the cafeteria charges too much. 10. a. To the movies b. Toa bar c. Toa restaurant d. Stay at home 北京一对一上门家教品牌家教电话: 010 — 62561255 清华北大家教中心家教电话: 010 — 62561255 Part B Passage


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