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文档介绍:Waiting Line Waiting Line Management Management Operations Management petitive Advantage C HASE A QUILANO J ACOBS ninth edition Technical Note 6 Technical Note 6 Waiting Line Management ? Waiting Line Characteristics ? Suggestions for Managing Queues ? Examples (Models 1, 2, 3, and 4) Components of the Queuing System Customer Arrivals Servers Waiting Line Servicing System Exit Queue or Customer Service Population Sources Population Source Finite Infinite Example: Number of machines needing repair when a company only has three machines. Example: The number of people who could wait in a line for gasoline. Service Pattern Service Pattern Constant Variable Example: Items coming down an automated assembly line. Example: People spending time shopping. The Queuing System Queue Discipline Length Number of Lines & Line Structures Service Time Distribution Queuing System Examples of Line Structures Single Channel Multichannel Single Phase Multiphase One-person barber shop Car wash Hospital admissions Bank tellers ’ windows Degree of Patience No Way! BALK No Way! RENEG Suggestions for Managing Queues 1. Determine an acceptable waiting time for your customers. 2. Try to divert your customer ’ s attention when waiting. 3. Inform your customers of what to expect. 4. Keep employees not serving the customers out of sight. 5. Segment customers. Suggestions for Managing Queues (Continued) 6. Train your servers to be friendly. 7. Encourage customers e during the slack periods. 8. Take a long-term perspective toward getting rid of the queues.