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文档介绍:英国文学期末考试试题(广东外语外贸大学) Instructions : This examination consists of 5 parts , and the total time for the examination is2 hours. All the answers should be entered onto the Answer Sheet. Part I: Multiple Choices ( 10% ) Choose the best answer to the following sentences. 1. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Beowulf ? A. Alliteration B. Anglo-Saxons ’ early life in England C. Germanic language D. The national epic of Anglo-Saxon people 2. English Renaissance Period was an age of. A. prose and novel B. poetry and drama C. essays and journals D. ballads and songs 3. The main literary form of the early 17 th century was poetry. John Milton was acknowledged as the greatest. Besides him , there were two groups of poets. They were the Cavalier poets and . A. the lake poets B. the university wits C. the Metaphysical poets D. the Romantic poets 4. Pamela is widely considered to be the first novel and was written by ___________. A. Thomas Hardy B. James Joyce C. Samuel Richardson D. Henry Fielding 5. The publication of, which was the joint work of William Wordsworth and Samuel T. Coleridge , marked the beginning of the Romantic Age in England. A. Don Juan B. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner C. Lyrical Ballads D. Queen Mab 6. Among the most famous realistic novelists of the Victorian age are , W. M. Thackeray , Bronte sisters , etc. A. Joseph Conrad B. Henry Fielding C. Charles Dickens