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文档介绍:计算机百篇经典文献目录 1. Yihong Dong, Yueting Zhuang, Ken Chen, Xiaoying Tai. A hierarchical clustering algorithm based on fuzzy. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2006, 157:1760-1774. 3. Xiaodi Huang, Wei Lai. Clustering graphs for visualization via node similarities. Journal of Visual Languages puting, 2006, 17:225 – 253. 4. Leon , . Carriere. A generalized Mahalanobis distance for mixed data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2005, 92:174-185 5. Cen Li, Gautam Biswas. Unsupervised learning with mixed numeric and nominal data. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,2002,14(4): 673-690 . 6. Cen Li, Gautam Biswas. Conceptual clustering with numeric and nominal mixed data --a new similarity based system. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering , 1996. 7. Chuang-Chian Hsu. Extending attribute-oriented induction algorithm for major values and numeric values. Expert Systems with Application, 2004, 27:187-202 . 8. Chuang-Chian Hsu. Generalizing anizing map for categorical data. IEEE Transaction on work , 2006, 17(2): 294-304 . 9. Ganti, V., Gehrke, J., Ramakrishnan, R. CACTUS . clustering categorical data using summaries. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining , San Diego: ACM Press . 1999 : 73- 83. 10. Chuang-Chian Hsu, Yu-Cheng Chen. Mining of mixed data with application to catalog marketing. Expert Systems with Applic