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上传人:hh思密达 2022/5/1 文件大小:14 KB





Dear _,
What would life be without technology? In this world that we live in in them. I thrive in situations where I have to work under pressure as it makes me alert and spurs me in doing even greater things. My further sense of responsibility comes from my post as been Sanderson's events captain for my school. This has given me the opportunity to be in control and create events for the house as well as feel as part of a team.
Other aspects of life that interests me out of school are charitable works. I have seen first hand, the misfortune of people being born into the poverty trap and the human rights violations that ordinary people like us have to face because of the misfortune of being born into one of the poorest countries and continents on earth. This has made me more aware than other teenagers of the less privileged and handicapped in every society I live and always eager to render my help and support in any way I can. This has led me to volunteer at the Little Monkey's Toddler group in Shaftesbury every week. In addition to that every Friday, I go to a neighbouring disabled children's primary school to help the teachers out with their sporting activities. Furthermore I am a member of the global student forum in which our aim is to see changes in our society by using our initiative to make the world a better