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文档介绍:奥格威语录 1-10 People 人I admir e people w ith gentle manners w ho treat o ther peopl e as human beings. I abhor qua rrelsome p eople. Ia bhor peopl e who wage paper-war fare. Conf essions of an Advert ising Man 我佩服温文有礼,以诚待人者。我憎恶那些争论不休的人。我痛恨那些打笔战的人。 If you al ways hire people who are small erthan you are,we sh all e pany of dwarfs . If,on the other ha nd,you alw ays hire people who are bigge r than you are, we s hall pan y of giant s. 如果你经常雇用比你弱小的人, 将来我们就会变成侏儒公司; 如果你每次都雇用比你能干的人,日后我们必定成为一家巨人公司。 If you ever find a man who is better than you are-hire him. If ne cessary,pa y him mor e than you pay yours elf. Princ iples ofM anagement 当你发掘到一个比你还杰出的人才,立即雇用他。必要时,付给他比自己还高的薪水。 I despi se toadies who suck up to thei r bosses;t hey are ge nerally the same peo ple who bu lly their subordinat es. 我鄙视对上司谄媚奉承的马屁精; 这种人通常也擅于欺凌威协他们的下属。 ADVERTIS ING PEOPLE 广告人 Ad vertising isa busin ess of wor ds,but adv ertising a gencies are infested with men and women who cannot write. Th ey are as helpless as deaf mut es on the stage oft he Metrop olitan Ope ra. Confe ssions of an Adverti sing Man 广告是一个文字的行业, 但很多广告代理商却充斥着无法写作的男女。他们就像在大都会歌剧院舞台上的聋哑人, 一样的茫然无助。 I don't believe in this spec ialisation . Who said that ther e's one br eed of cat which is an account executive ,and then there are the creati ve people- and they a re quite d ifferent? This has b een perpet uated byb oth sides for years. It's nons ense. 我从来不相信所谓的专科分类。谁说有些人是天生的业务人员, 而另一些就该是创意人员—真的有那么不同吗?双方人员长久以来所信奉的分类,其实是毫无意义的。 In mos t agencies ,account e xecutives outnumber the copywr iters two to one. If you were a dairy fa rmer,would you emplo y twice as many milk ers as you had cows 在大部分的广告代理商,业务人员的数目, 往往是文案人员的两倍。如果你是个酪农,你所雇用的挤牛奶工人, 会比牛只数目多一倍吗? CREATI VE PEOPLE 创意人 Few of the gr eat creato rs have bl and person alities. T hey are ca ntankerous egotists, the kind of men who are unwelc ome in the modern co rporation. Confessio ns of anA dvertising Man 伟大的创作家很少具有温和的个性。他们是不易相处的自我主义者, 是现代企业中不受欢迎的一群。 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE S 业务人员 Madison Av enue is fu l


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