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国外大学细胞生物学课件 英文课件20.ppt

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国外大学细胞生物学课件 英文课件20.ppt

上传人:dsmhb 2017/3/8 文件大小:4.85 MB


国外大学细胞生物学课件 英文课件20.ppt


文档介绍:The lipid bilayer of different regions of a cell contain unique combinations of different lipids cholesterol increases the length of phosphatidylcholine (PC) but not sphingomyelin (SM) Lecture 2, slide 6 – basic structure of lipid bilayer Covalent modification of a protein by a lipid can regulate subcellular localization of non-TM proteins From lecture 2, slide 16 This type of modification is an important way in which signaling proteins can be localized to a specific sub-partment Different thickness position of lipid bilayer allows sorting of proteins having different length transmembrane domain and proteins with lipid modification Proteins with longer transmembrane domain segregate into thicker lipid bilayer Proteins with lipid anchors are sorted using the partitioning properties of their anchor Acylation of proteins (. Src) with addition of saturated myristate (C 14 ) or palmitate (C 16