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目的 采用随机分组的方法,比拟早期石膏裤固定与皮牵引后石膏裤固定两 种方法治疗幼儿(1"---'5岁)股骨干rowth.
Methods Between December 2022 and May 20 1 0,a total of 72 children with
femoral shaft fractures were treated with spica casting,5 cases excluded,67 patients
in study.Experimental design according to the principle of completely random,in accordance with the treatment order,according to the parity of the random number, divided children into A,B groups.Traction with delayed spica casting in A group,a total of 32 cases;early spica casting in B group,a total of 35 cases.Children taken for follow up and X—ray.1 year after injure is the end of the observmion,recording the
incidence of complications,using ASK scoring system for evaluation.Statistical
analyse the follow up results.
Results 58 children were followed up,mean follow up 1 7 months(1l~2 1 months),all fractures were healed.3 patients replace spica casting due to fracture of spica casting.Because of excessively tight of spica casting,5 patients replace spica casting under anesthesia,all of them aged less than 1 4 months.9 cases occurred
perineum rash with skin traction,in which the boy in 1 case,the girl in 8 cases.All
cases were no serious pressure sore.Traction time of A group was 1 9 days(1 1 days"--23 days),B group<2 days.Fixed time ofA group was 25 days(26--3 1 days), B group was 46 days(42"-'56 days).Fracture healing time of was 44 days(4 1"--'54 days),B group Was 46 days(42.-。56 days),P>O.05.Hospital costs ofA group Was 7,845 yuan(6433"--8749 yuan),B group Was 4,924 yuan(3987"--6132 yuan).
Hospitalization time ofA group was 16 days(124--25 days),B group Was 3 days(1~ 4 days).Children with ASK scores,A group Was 97 points(82~1 00 points),B group Was 9 1 points(8 1~1 OO points),no significant difference in the two groups;earlier
functional recovery in early spica casting,3 1%of the children Can crawl after 3 days
of injure,70%of the patients can standing after 4 weeks,m