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文档介绍:Training, Research and Operational Implementation of WRF 3D-Var 工作汇报(~ 20060214 ) 范水勇 Training, Research and Operational Implementation of WRF 3D-Var ?用业务 05 年 12 月一个月的预报场资料,采用 gen_be 计算得到了 domain1 和2的冬季 BE ;业务 05 年6月一个月的预报场资料计算得到了 domain1 和2的夏季 BE ?业务系统已经更新为( AVN 12h 预报+ wrfvar + winter BE ),即将更新为 AVN 分析场作 FG (测试已经完成,可以满足业务的时效)。?进行了冬季和夏季 BE 结构的分析及冬季 BE 的 single- obs 的测试(夏季暂时未作)。?进行了两个降雪个例的比较试验。已完成的工作 Training, Research and Operational Implementation of WRF 3D-parison of two-week BE and one-month BE Training, Research and Operational Implementation of WRF 3D-parison of two-week BE and one-month BE Two-week BE: calculated by using two-week- long OPR forecast fields from 050601 to 050614 One-month BE: calculated by using one-month- long OPR forecast fields from 050601 to 050630 Only domain1(27km resolution) Training, Research and Operational Implementation of WRF 3D-Var left : two-week BE, right:1-month BE < Psb ? Ps >/< Ps ? Ps > Comparison of two-week BE and one-month BE Training, Research and Operational Implementation of WRF 3D-Var Red line:< Tb ?T >/<T ? T>; blue line: < Χb?Χ>/< Χ?Χ> Comparison of two-week BE and one-month BE Training, Research and Operational Implementation of WRF 3D-parison of two-week BE and one-month BE Training, Research and Operational Implementation of WRF 3D-Var Psi first 5 parison of two-week BE and one-month BE Training, Research and Operational Implementation of WRF 3D-Var Chi_u first 5 parison of two-week BE and one-month BE Training, Research and Operational Implementation of WRF 3D-Var T_u first 5 parison of two-week BE and one-month BE