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Broadcaster:A B C D
Recording Time (Y/M/D):____________
Broadcast Time (Y/M/D):____________
Editor:Johnny Zhang
Beginning poem(背景音乐:纯音乐-Big my secret)
As the Lord God was creating the world he called upon his archangels. The Lord asked his archangels to help him decide where to put the Secret of Life.
“Bury it in the ground,” one angel replied.
“Put it on the bottom of the sea,” said another.
“Hide it in the mountains,” another suggested.
The Lord replied, “If I see to do any of those, only a few will find the Secret of Life. The Secret of Life must be accessible to EVERY-ONE!”
One angel replied, “I know: put it in each man's heart. Nobody will think to look there.”
“Yes!” said the Lord. “Within each one's heart.”
And so it was —— The SECRET OF LIFE lies within all of us.
A: Good evening! e to English Times, everyone! It’s very delighted to meet you again. Thank you for waiting for us.
B: It was really tiring, right?
C: What?
B: Last Sunday, we were busy with the festival of students’ associations.
C: Oh, I see. So it was.
D: But once I am reminded of that there will be a lot of our brothers and sisters joining us, I will feel very happy.
A: Our school station will begin to test the new this weekend. Fight on, those loving broadcasting!
Module 1 Beautiful Essay(背景音乐:夜的钢琴曲五)
Home on the Way


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