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第十一组 选股.ppt

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第十一组 选股.ppt

上传人:allap 2017/3/12 文件大小:420 KB


第十一组 选股.ppt



文档介绍:选股的分析 1 ? When technical analysis is mentioned, people often think of analysts plotting price movements of stocks, drawing lines to find trends, support or resistance. Technical analysis is the art of deducing probable future trend from historical records of stock trading. It is the study of the stock market itself rather than the external factors that influence the market. The most familiar indicators used are the price and volume of a stock. 2 ?一提起技术分析,人们就会想到股票分析员画股价走势图,找支持线和阻力线。基本上,这个方式是根据过去的记录预测未来表现。换句话说,技术分析研究股市本身,不是影响它的外在因素;而股价和成交量是它最常用的数据。 3 ? Advocates of technical analysis believe that information is not immediately reflected in the market prices of stocks. For example, when a piece of good news about pany is available, it is not immediately known to everyone but is slowly passed from one person to another. ? This process takes time and an upward price trend develops for that company as more and more people hear the good news and want to buy the stock and fewer and fewer people are willing to sell the stock. The stock price which has started to move in an uptrend will continue to do so until something happens to change the supply- demand balance. 4 ?技术分析的支持者认为,影响股价的消息没有立即反映在股价上。举例说,一家公司的好消息并不是每个人都同时知道的, 而是从一人传到另一个,整个过程需要一段时间。越来越多人知道这好消息后会买进,而越来越少的人愿意卖掉,这么一来使股价逐步升高。股价会因此继续上升直到供应与需求的平衡出现变化。 5 ? For the technical analyst, he does not need to know what the good news or any other information that is affecting the stock price is; the chart will tell him whether the stock price is going to move up or down. He does not need to know the fundamentals of pany because if the price is going up, the fundamentals must be improving. 6 ?但对技术分析员来说,他并不需要知道那好消息是什么,走势图将告诉他股价会起还是落。他也不需知道公司的基础因素, 对他来说,基础会随着股价上升而改善。他们相信历史会重演,可从过去的股价走势推测它将来的表现。 7 ? The fundamental analyst calculates financial ratios based on data available from the balance sheet and e statement of pany. From these ratios, he deduces the financial strength and earnings trend of pany. Th