文档介绍:航空发动机液压装置特性仿真元件库设计王骥超,郭迎清(西北工业大学动力与能源学院, 西安 710072 ) 摘要: 针对航空发动机数控系统液压机械装置仿真建模复杂、所建模型可重用性低等问题,提出按照液压装置不同功能元件分类这种基于面向对象思想的方法,建立基于 AMESim 软件编程环境下针对航空发动机的液压机械装置元件库。元件库利用功能分类方法依据模型命名标准和规则收录液压装置元件。通过实例对元件库实际使用情况验证, 结果表明:元件库易于维护扩展, 元件模型可重用性高,方便快速构建不同用途、不同型号的发动机液压机械装置系统模型;建立的系统模型易于性能、结构分析,可以与 MATLAB 、 LABVIEW 等软件实现模型交互,生成实时代码与发动机模型及数字控制器联合仿真验证。元件库利于使用已有的元件装置模型和数据,有利于航空发动机机械液压装置向系列化、标准化、通用化方向发展关键词: 航空发动机液压机械装置、元件数据库、可重用性、可拓展性、 AMESim Design of Aero-engine H ydro-mechanical C omponent L ibrary WANG J i-chao , GUO Ying-qing (School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’ an 710072, China) A bstract : Usually, engineers cost huge time to model Aero-engine Hydro-mechanical units. However, the models ’ reusability often f ailtoa chieve anticipate. An o bject o riented classified method is put forward, which classifies different functional sub-models into categories, and orders them regularly ponent library. All these works are based on the AMESim programming environment. ponent library has the characteristics of expansibility , practical applicability and reusability. It’s convenient to model hydro-mechanical units for a new type of aero-engine . The library also can work with MATLAB , LABVIEW and other softwares easily for co-simulation a nd real-time simulation. It’s easy to re use the ponents and statistics and the library is conducive to the development of hydro-