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文档介绍:: .
第 43 卷第 2 期 he
problems of low transmission energy efficiency and low overload capacity in the NORA-QL method, an improved method
(I-NORA-QL) suitable for satellite communication networks is proposed. To address the problem of high transmission power
consumption, I-NORA-QL improves the learning strategy of Q-learning using global information from satellite broadcasting,
the transmitted power of user equipment is used in the construction of the reward function, and the learning rate is designed as
a decay function related to the number of iterations of the algorithm. Furthermore, based on the Access Class Barring (ACB),
I-NORA-QL realizes the adaptive adjustment of ACB barring factor based on the Q value characteristics and load estimation
during the learning process to carry out overload control. Simulation results show that, compared with other existing methods,
the proposed I-NORA-QL improved method can effectively reduce the average power consumption of user devices, and
significantly improve the throughput under system overload state.
Key words: Satellite communications; Random access; Energy efficiency; Overload control; Non-Orthogonal Multiple
Access; Q-learning
Citation: YANG Weikang, XU Xiaodong. A NOMA-based Q-learning random access scheme for satellite
communications[J]. Journal of Telemetry, Tracking and Command, 2022, 43(2): 25–35.

收稿日期:2021-09-13 收修改稿日期:2021-11-01·26· 杨伟康等,一种基于 NOMA 的 Q 学****卫星通信随机接入方法 第 43 卷第 2 期

引 言
面向机器类通信 MTC(Machine Type Communications)的卫星通信网以其全天候、广覆盖、大容量
及 MTC 设备易部署等特点,受到业界广泛关注,已成为地面物联网 IOT(Internet of Things)的有益延


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