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make sure that we all understood what he said.
3). Recently the school conducted a survey among those students who have attained academic excellence.
4). He said he would accept the job, so we have asked him to confirm his acceptance by writing us a letter.
5). George studies very hard. He wanted to make the most of his chance to learn.
6). We can’t go. To begin with, it’s too cold. Besides, we’re busy.
7). It’s about time that someone spoke up for these basic truths/ facts.
8). You should be working instead of lying there in bed at this time of the year.
9). I’ll jot down some notes while he’s speaking.
10). I can’t carry the suitcase on my own; it’s too heavy.
Unit 2 Learning a Language
Enhance Your Language Awareness
Words in Action ()
1. ()
assume 2) argued 3) claim
equivalents 5) individual 6) personal 7) precise
qualified 9) adventure s 10) furthermore 11) intelligent
12) solemnly
1) obtain 2) confident 3) communicate 4) advantage 5) relevant 6) helpful 7) extreme 8) enjoyable 9) means 10) process 11) particularly
12) characters 13) astonished 14) apparently
3. ()
1) fond of 2) related to 3) find out
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第 3 页


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