文档介绍:美国红枫‘红点’硬枝扦插生根机理及扦插繁殖技术-林业专业毕业论文 优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 关于学位论文原创性和使用授权的声明 本人所呈交的学位论文,是在导师指导插过程中,其插穗内的过氧化物酶(POD)和多酚 氧化酶(PPO)的活性呈现先降低,然后升高,再降低,再升高的变化趋势;而吲哚 乙酸氧化酶(IAAO)的活性那么呈现相反的变化趋势,与插穗愈伤组织形成、根原基的 诱导和不定根的形成等阶段呈现出明显对应关系,生长素处理明显改变了生根关联酶 的活性和趋势。 本研究弄清了美国红枫(红点)硬枝扦插的生根机理,丰富了硬枝扦插繁育理 论,为美国红枫良种繁育提供了技术支撑。 关键词:美国红枫,硬枝扦插,生根特性,关联酶,繁殖技术 优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 美国红枫(红点)硬枝扦插生根机理及扦插繁殖技术 Abstract Acer rubrum introduced from the United States in 2000,is tall,vigorous growth, complete crown,and its shape of leaf is beautiful.Its beautiful red leaves add infinite beauty for the autumn in the north china that makes it become important ornamental tree species.It gets more and more favor of landscape gardening enterprises in recent years.Due to the introduction of short time,small age of mother tree,cutting propagation has become the main way of Acer rubrum growth seedlings.Current softwood cuttings technology(such as Autumn Blaze)has obtained the certain effect,but hardwood cutting haven’t seen a report of success. More varieties ofAcer rubrum,of them,Autumn Blaze introduced early in our country, but the‘Redpointe’is the best variety introduced late.Seeing from propagative technique, Hardwood cutting is the most important and simple,has long growing period,and does not need complicated equipment and technology of environment contr01.And it Can make use of the large number of branches produced by pruning and seedlings transplanting,makes little impact on the mother trees’growth,and is an ideal way to Acer rubrum seedlings. This paper regarded hardwood cutting of Acer rubrum as the research object,discussed the cutting technology of hardwood cutting through screening of the matrix,treatment of auxin in detail;discusses the rooting mechanism of hardwood cutting by morphology observation and physiological and biochemical