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文档介绍:福建农林大学学报(自然科学版) 第51卷第2期
Journal of Fujfruit production causing leaf spot disease, 175 proteins with lipoprotein signal peptide
were screened from the entire genome of X. arboricola through LipoP online program. Then informations about conserved do­
mains ,signal peptides,transmembrane domains,subcellular localizations and physicochemical properties were predicted by bioin­
formatics approach. The results showed that the lengths of 144 lipoproteins ranged from 100 to 500. Among the 175 proteins with lip­
oprotein signal peptides, only 13 proteins consisted of obvious conserved domains, and 90 proteins were located in mitochondria.
These proteins differed greatly in hydrophilic/hydrophobic amino acid residues and positions. Genetic relationship analysis was fur­
ther conducted to identify species with lipoprotein homologous to their counterparts in X. arboricola, however, the homology between
most proteins with lipoprotein signal peptides was not high.
Key words: lipoprotein signal peptide ; Xanthomonas arboricola ; genetic relationship ; bioinformatics
树生黄单胞杆菌(Xanthomonas arboricola)
原--- 野油菜黄单胞杆菌杧果致病变种( pv. mangiferaeindicae)在致病性、革兰氏染色、形态特
征和生理生化特征方面均基本一致, 而在gyrB基因序列方面表现不同⑴.国内外学者对树生黄单胞杆菌


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