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陕西省咸阳市泾阳县云阳中学 Unit 4 Pygmalion导学案 新人教版选修8.doc

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陕西省咸阳市泾阳县云阳中学 Unit 4 Pygmalion导学案 新人教版选修8.doc

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陕西省咸阳市泾阳县云阳中学 Unit 4 Pygmalion导学案 新人教版选修8.doc



文档介绍:陕西省咸阳市泾阳县云阳中学 Unit 4 Pygmalion 导学案新人教版选修 8 一. Learning aims( 学****目标). 二. Important points 【学****重点】学会分析文中的长句和难句, 从而提高理解和写作能力。三. 考纲要求:逐步接触和了解较为复杂的语言现象, 对较复杂的语言现象具有一定的归纳、分析和解释能力。五. Learing procedures 【学****过程】(一)基础学****Task 1 Before class ( 课前自主欣赏,背诵课文中优美佳句。课堂上小组比赛) (5 分钟) 1. While watching, he makes notes. 2. Now once taught by me, she ’d e an upper class lady. 3. But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths. 4. People begin their working life ina poor neighbor of London with 80 pounds a year and end ina rich one with 100 thousand. 5. But, sir, (proudly) once educated to speak properly, the girl could p ass herself off in three months asa duchess at an ambassador ’s garden party. (一)合作探究 Task 2. 重点句型的辨析和运用。(12 分钟) (B) 方法引导: 试着分析和欣赏, 养成发现问题问题和解决问题的好****惯. 1.) Whil e watching, he makes notes. 此句为省略句。你能补充完整并归纳它的用法吗? 【归纳总结】状语从句的省略。由 once , if, as, unless , when , wh ile, though , although 等引导的状语从句,如果主句主语和从句主语一致,且从句中谓语动词是 be+ v.- ed或 v.- ing 形式,或从句中主谓结构为 It is(was) + adj. 时,其从句结构可省略为以上连词加 v.- ed, v.- ing 或 adj. 。如 While crossing the street,look out for cars passing by. 过马路时小心过路车辆. 选择 1) While_ crossing _____ the river, he saw a big crocodile. A. to cross B. crossing C. cross D. crossed 个性笔记 2) Never losing faith in himself, the scientist went on with his research. A. losing B. to lose C. lost D. to be lost 2) Professor Higgins (H): an expert in ics, convinced that the quality ofa