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Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications教案.doc

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Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications教案.doc


Unit 6 The Internet and Telecommunication Introduction & Reading
1. Enable the Ss to ta
Step 4
T )
3) Universities started using the Internet at the same time as the army。 ( F )
4) The percentage of websites in English is getting smaller. ( T )
5) Tim Berners-Lee made it possible for scientists to use the Internet。 ( T )
6) He has made a lot of money from his invention. ( F )
2. Language points
1) The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world, and it's accessible through a computer。
(1) accessible 可接近的,可进入的,常用于accessible to sb/ sth
Our headmaster is accessible to the students。
get/ gain/ have (no) access to sth 没有得到/获得/拥有某物的时机和权利
Only high officials had access to the president。 只有高级官员才有时机接近总统。
(2) Fill in the blanks
Where is the source of the Nile?
Read & learn
Learn & do exx
Is the water polluted at source。
They are limited to exploiting natural resource。
source来源,出处; resource 资源,物力,财力,常用复数。
2) It consists of millions of pages of data.
(1) consist of= be made up of, 由某物组成或构成
煤多数由炭组成。Coal consists mostly of carbon.
(2) consist in存在于…;在于… consist with… 和……一致;相等
The beauty of Venice consists in the style of its ancient buildings.
His actions do not consist with his words。
(3) [填空] compose, consist of, make up & include
Fifty states compose/ make up the USA。
=The USA consists of/ includes 50 states。
1。 compose和make up表示“组成”时,其主语是部分,指几个部分构成一个整体。
2。 consist of 和include的主语是整体,指一个整体由几个部分组成。
(4) [短语链接] millions of几百万的; hundreds of成百上千的;
scores of几十,很多; dozens of 成打的
They bought two scores of eggs.
1。 million, thousand, hundred, score, dozen等本身用复数时,前面不加基数词,后面要接of.
2。 还可用“基数词+ million, thousand, hundred, score, dozen +可数名词复数"。


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