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上传人:u3kl39i28 2017/3/24 文件大小:115 KB




文档介绍:Net Jiang Wei gently puckering his brow, the northern warlord Helian eight provinces, is the height of the warlords in the name of the first one. Under the jurisdiction of his eight northern provinces, strong troops, weapons and equipment class, is currently the most powerful warlord in one. "For large and small Helian Helian Warlord's mother was the only wife Soong, so we can not neglect my children in all, and only you this is the illegitimate daughter. Too big order less worthy Helian identity married Hector home, you will not let them have leisure to say about. " Net Wei, without a word, just staring at the shoes butterfly ornaments. Heating the house because of the reason is fortable. But her fingers, toes but it is cold. Although the heat kept the house red in the face, but the room was still cold chest chest abnormalities. "I have also been restored in the past these days, Hector warlord would send a special train sent dowry came. Days are scheduled, and on time for the year. Specific things that you oldest maternal aunt who will help you RBI!" Jianghai the right to pass over a single word sound, voice, not high, but should not be mixed with irresistible majesty. Net Wei promised muffled cry. Jianghai right to see her head hanging down low, muffled voice, that her daughter's house shy, do plain. "You began to prepare himself up. Hector home from time than our house, plex


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