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北京市房山区石窝中学七年级英语上册 get ready part 2.1导学案(无答案)(新版)北京课改版.doc

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北京市房山区石窝中学七年级英语上册 get ready part 2.1导学案(无答案)(新版)北京课改版.doc

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北京市房山区石窝中学七年级英语上册 get ready part 2.1导学案(无答案)(新版)北京课改版.doc



文档介绍:Get ready Part 学****目标: 在本课学****结束时,学生能够: 1. 通过听力,获取四段与时间有关的日常对话信息、并复****早中晚的问候和告别功能句。 2. 运用早中晚问候和告别的功能句与同学进行简单的问候与告别口语练****3. 通过听力,学****英文歌曲 Hello, Goodbye. 。重点: 通过听力,获取四段与时间有关的日常对话信息、并复****早中晚的问候和告别功能句。难点: 运用早中晚问候和告别的功能句与同学进行简单的问候与告别口语练****中考说明】:熟练掌握时间的表达方法; 能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话, 并能从中提取信息和观点学法指导: 知识链接: 导学过程: Warm-up: plete the sentences with the Key Words 1. )We have breakfast at7 :00 in the ___________ 2. )We have dreams at _________. 3. )We do sports after school at 4:00 in the __________. 4. )We TV News after supper in the ____________. 2. Look and match the time with the Key Words 9:00------__________________ 15:00------__________________ 19:00-----_________________ 22:00------__________________ Listening: what the people in the pictures are saying .(Page 6) 2. Listen to the the pictures.(Page 6) 3. Listen to the dialogue again and circle the correct words. 1)Jerry is/ isn ’t tired. 2)The English class is in the morning /afternoon. 3)Ann is listening to music in the morning /even ing . 4)Nancy is/ isn ’t late for her class. plete the dialogues: 1) Son: (Yawning) Mum: Jerry, it’s time for ______. Key Words: afternoon evening morning night Learn key expressions:Greeting Good morning/afternoon/evening. Goodbye./Bye./Good night. Son: OK, Mum. _____________. Mum: Good night. 2) Teacher: Good afternoon, class. I’m your new _________ teacher. My name is Jenny Green. S