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北京市房山区石窝中学九年级英语全册 unit 2 body language导学案(无答案) 北京课改版.doc

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北京市房山区石窝中学九年级英语全册 unit 2 body language导学案(无答案) 北京课改版.doc

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北京市房山区石窝中学九年级英语全册 unit 2 body language导学案(无答案) 北京课改版.doc



文档介绍:Unit 2 Body Language 词汇学****一、翻译下列词语 tone 手势姿势,位置 facial 表达,表情 n. 表达 v. 动作,行为生气的行动,产生行为趋向 anger emotion 完成沟通,交流 exactly 胃部分开,分离胸口 chin 情感,感觉 verbal 点头通常地一致,同意接近地,靠近地打招呼 cheek bow 摇动,晃动招呼,问候 n. signal palm 允许每件事物 bend 不礼貌的口袋 disrespect 触摸,接触英国人 Korea German Asian 来回地,前前后后地上上下下地词汇扩展 1. close He’s my close friend. Close the door, please. D on’t stay close to each other. 2. position We can express our feelings by the way we position our body. I can find the position of Beijing ona map. He is sitting fortable position. Part 1 预****一、翻译下列词语 sign 猜不同的语言手移动交叉,穿过嘴饱了饿,饥饿手指生气安静的说大声地展示交流 tone of voice the way one moves facial expressions the position of one's body What if... American Indians used to do thi nk of make signs with hands the shape ofa cup in front of 肢体语言,身体语言变成白色 tend to IfI were..., I would... 二、 What can you do if you are happy/angry? 课堂导学课堂练****一、回答下列问题 1. What are the speakers talking about? A. American Indian's language B. American Indian's body language foreign language 2. What can we learn from the dialogue? A. American Indians make signs to understand each others B. Americans make signs municate C. The speakers know American Indian's body language in today's English class. 二、完成对话 A: Can you guess what American Indians used municate when they spoke different languages? B: IfI were they, I would think of using ______________. A: That's exactly what they one group