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文档介绍:1 南阳市油田四中高一英语第一次月考英语试题第一节:听力(共25题, 每题 1分,共 25分) 10段对话,回答 1-10 题。 1. How many students in Lin Tao's e to school by bike? A. Sixty. B. Thirty. C. Fifteen. colour is the girl's dress? A. It's yellow. B. It's white. C. It's red. 3. When did the meeting begin? A. At 2:15. B. At 2:30. C. At 2:45. 4. Where did the talk most probably take place? A. On a bus. B. Ina library. C. Ina dining room. 5. What does the woman mean? A. She asks the boy not todo so much homework. B. She asks the boy todo as much homework ashe can. C. She asks the boy to stop doing his homework. 6. What's Mrs Wang wearing today? red dress. blue dress. black dress. 7. When did the accident happen? A. On Dec. 24. B. On Dec. 25. C. On Jan. 1. 8. What day is it today? A. Saturday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday. 9. What do you think the man is? doctor. teacher. worker. 10. Why does the girl want to write a letter to the headmaster? A. To ask for sick leave. B. To borrow books. C. To give advice. ,选出最佳选项。听第一段材料,回答 11-13 小题。 11. Why didn't the man buy the tickets that evening? A. Because the weather was bad. B. Because the man drank too much wine and was too late. C. Because the train left before he got to the station 12. How long will it take the man to travel to Shanghai on the first train in the morning? A. About 3 and a half hours. B. About 5 and a half hours. C. About 6 and a