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基于mcu的单相电表检测仪设计 大学毕设论文.doc

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基于mcu的单相电表检测仪设计 大学毕设论文.doc

上传人:Alphago 2017/3/26 文件大小:721 KB


基于mcu的单相电表检测仪设计 大学毕设论文.doc



文档介绍:摘要单相电表检测仪是用于现场检验低压单相电能表计量是否准确的专用仪器。本文针对检测仪的技术要求,阐述了系统的总体方案设计、硬件电路设计和软件设计,分析了影响测量精度的主要原因及解决方法。本文的主要研究内容是针对低压单相电能表的现场检验, 实现系统要求的检测功能和技术指标。采取的技术方案是以微控制器为核心,利用微型电压互感器和钳形电流互感器分别将单项供电电压和电流变换为弱电信号,实现对供电电路的电压和电流进行实时检测,同时通过电能计量芯片测量实际的有功功率,充分利用微控制器较强的运算功能,计算出一定时间内消耗的电能,同时利用光电采样器对被测表的计量的电能进行检测,从而计算出被测电能表的误差。现场检验的特点是不停电接线,对于电流检测需采用钳形电流互感器,而钳形电流互感器的开口接触面存在空气间隙,使互感器的线形变差并存在较大的相移,且一致性较差。采用分段线性化处理,可以提高测量的精度。本文内容涉及微控制器、电气测量技术等多项应用技术,具有一定的应用价值与实际意义。关键词: 微控制器;低压单相电能表;现场检测 Title The design of local calibrating instrument for low-voltage Watt-hour meter based on MCU Abstract The local calibrating instrument for the single-phase watt-hour meter isa special device that is used to measure the accuracy of low-voltage Watt-hour meter in scene examine. This paper, according to the technical requirements of detectors, tells us the overall design of the system, hardware and software circuit, and analyzes the reason of the impact of measurement accuracy and the main measures to solution. The main research content is the low-voltage single-phase watt-hour meter on-site inspection, the realization of the detection system requirements and technical indicators. The technical plan is taking the micro-controller as the core, using the mini -voltage transformer and clamp current transformer respectively to transform the single power supply voltage and current transformation to the weak electrical signal, and to realize the real-time detection for the power supply circuit of voltage and current ,at the same time, energy metering chip can measur e the true value, take full advantage of puting microcontroller functions, to calculate within a certain period of time the power consumption, while us ing the optoelectronic sampler measurement to measure the watt-hour meter, then calculat ing the error of this meter . The characteristics of the on-site inspection is Non-power cables , The clamp current transformer is used to current detection, but the clamp current transformer ’s interface exist air gap, causes


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