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统计学课件 17.ppt

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统计学课件 17.ppt



文档介绍:Nonparametric Methods: Chi-square Distribution
Chapter 17
List the characteristics of the chi-square dist as stated in the problem
Step 3: Select the test statistic.
The test statistic follows the chi-square distribution,
designated as χ2
Step 4: Formulate the decision rule.
Step 5: Compute the value of the Chi-square statistic and make a decision

The computed χ2 of is in the rejection region, beyond the critical value of . The decision, therefore, is to reject H0 at the .05 level .
Conclusion: The difference between the observed and the expected frequencies is not due to chance. Rather, the differences between f0 and fe and are large enough to be considered significant. It is unlikely that card sales are the same among the six players.
Chi-square - MegaStat
Goodness-of-Fit Test: Unequal Expected Frequencies
Let f0 and fe be the observed and expected frequencies respectively.
H0: There is no difference between the observed and expected frequencies.
H1: There is a difference between the observed and the expected frequencies.
The American Hospital Administrators Association (AHAA) reports the following information concerning the number of times senior citizens are admitted to a hospital during a one-year period. Forty percent are not admitted; 30 percent are admitted once; 20 percent are admitted twice, and the remaining 10 percent are admitted three or more times.
A survey of 150 residents of Bartow Estates, a community devoted to active seniors located in central Florida, revealed 55 residents were not admitted during the last year, 50 were admitted to a hospital once, 32 were admitted twice, and the rest of those in the survey were admitted three or more times.
Can we conclude the survey at Bartow Estates is consistent with the information suggested by the AHAA? Use the .05 significance level.
Goodness-of-Fit Test: Unequal Expected Frequencies - Example
Step 1: State the null hypot


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