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文档介绍:2014 届本科生毕业论文( 设计) 题目浙江省纺织品出口国际竞争力分析作者姓名 xx 指导教师 xx 二级学院商学院专业国际经济与贸易学号8 xxxxx xxxx 学院本科毕业论文(设计) 浙江省纺织品出口国际竞争力分析 I 浙江省纺织品出口国际竞争力分析摘要作为中国纺织品出口贸易最为发达的地区之一,浙江一直将纺织业作为其传统优势产业。在浙江地区的纺织行业,其国际竞争力较强,对世界市场的依存度也较高。论文首先陈述了浙江纺织业在出口竞争力方面的现状,而后针对其纺织品出口竞争力中存在的传统竞争优势逐渐弱化这一现象进行了系统的分析和研究,并提出了相应的措施和解决建议。本文共分为四大部分,第一部分:浙江省纺织品出口国际竞争力的现状;第二部分: 浙江与世界主要纺织品出口国及地区的竞争力所进行的比较;第三部分:该地区纺织业面临的问题和存在的缺陷;第四部分:浙江省保持和提高纺织业出口竞争力的建议以及策略。关键词:浙江;纺织品;出口国际竞争力 xxxx 学院本科毕业论文(设计) 浙江省纺织品出口国际竞争力分析 II On petitiveness of Zhejiang Textile Goods Abstract As one of the most developed area of textile export trade inC hina, Zhejiang regards the textile industry as its traditional superior industry all the time. Cottonocracy in this region, petitive industry with high dependence on global market. The paper first state s the present situation of Zhejiang textile industry in the aspect of petitiveness , and then ai ms at the very concerned phenomenon that the traditional petitive edge of Zhejiang textile is gradually weakened .The thesis carrys on the relevant analysis and research systematically with the mendations given. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part mainly reveals the status quo of petitiveness of Zhejiang textile exports; the second part refers to parison about petitiveness between Z hejiang and the world ’s leading exporters of textile; the third part focuses on the analysis of the major problems and defects that faced by Zhejiang textile industry; the last part gives the related proposals and strategies in maintaining and enhancing the petitiveness of Zhejiang cottonocracy. Key W ords : Zhejiang; textiles; petitiveness of exports xxx 学院本科毕业论文(设计) 浙江省纺织品出口国际竞争力分析 III 目录引言.......................................................................................................................................... 1 1浙江省纺织品出口国际竞争力选题概况.............................................................................. 1 选题目的及意义..............................................................................