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文档介绍:沈阳市翔宇中学高二学部英语学科导学案班级姓名课题 A job worth doing 课型 R eading 授课时间 9月20日授课教师刘亮学****目标知识与技能 1. To master some important phrases and sentence structures 2. To improve the skimming and scanning skills & comprehensive reading ability 3. To learn from Timoteo and do whatever we can to make contributions to our society 过程与方法 team work, exploring , practice and conclusion 情感态度与价值观 L earn something about adventure in literature and cultivate the student s’ interest in reading. 学****重点 To improve ss’ reading ability 学****难点 C onclude the method of prehension 考点 the method of prehension 学生准备 Text book., N ote book ,reference book & white board 教学过程 S tep 1. Greetings S tep evision. . Match the words in the box with their meanings accountant barber biochemist businessman/ businesswoman cook electrician miner policeman secretary volunteer 1. We ask this person to put electricity in homes. 2. This person works underground . 修正案沈阳市翔宇中学高二学部英语学科导学案班级姓名 3. He or she prepares meals ina restaurant . 4. This scientist studies the chemistry of living things. 5. You go to this person to get your hair cut . 6. This person works in an office . 7. This person knows a lot about money . 8. He or she works in business. 9. This person must do many things – including directing the traffic . 10. This person has offered to doa job – and may not be paid for doing it. S tep eading-in Pre-reading Questions :? 1. Where i


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