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上传人:hh思密达 2022/5/13 文件大小:20 KB




状 语 从 句 翻 译 练****br/>细心整理
1. 他宠爱去有海的地方旅游。
2. 请把这些书放回原处〔它们原来所在的地方〕。
3. 因为昨晚下雨了,所以地面很湿。
4. 昨晚必需下雨了,因为地面很湿。
5. 既然大反复强调这一点,免得她忘了。
85 他们躲在树丛后面,以防被敌人发觉。
86 他做了错误的确定,结果奢侈了自己半生的时间。
87. 她不借东西不来。〔即:他假设不借东西就不来。〕
88 他并没有老到不能读书。
状 语 从 句 翻 译 练****br/>1. They like to go traveling where there is the sea.
2. Put the books where they were.
3. Because it was raining last night, the ground is wet.
4. It must have been raining last night because the ground is wet.
5. Since everyone understands it, let's begin.
6. Children are singing while (they are) dancing.
7. He got up early so that he could catch the first bus.
8. He got up so early that he caught the first bus.
9. He cut off the electricity so that he could prevent the fire from breaking out.
old man was so angry that he couldn't say any words.
was too hot so all went swimming.
there were no water, what would happen?
won't go to the party unless I am invited.
you trust me, I will be able to help you to achieve your goal.
15. Once you lose your confidence, you lose everything.
16. The child is small, but he is very intelligent(sensible).
17. Even if everyone say so, I still want to believe this isn't true.
18. Whether you agree or not, I would opt for this university.
19. No matter who you are, you must produce a passport.
20. No matter where you go, I will be with you.
21. Fol


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