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文档介绍:生命是永恒不断的创造, 因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力, 它不断流溢, 越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。--泰戈尔英语六级真题作文新东方范文及点评 09年 12月: 这种八股可以按照提纲写三段: 支持的理由、反对的理由、我的观点。但最好在前面加上一个引言段。引言可以是简单的对全文观点的总结, 也可以是相关争议的背景介绍。支持送孩子学艺术的理由不外乎成就艺术天才和培养兴趣爱好; 反对的理由不外乎孩子压力过大和顺其自然等。到结尾段其实已经没什么好说: 该说的在主体两段都说过了。所以只能总结加建议题目: Should parents send their kids to art class? 1. 现在有不少家长送孩子参加各种艺术班; 2. 对这种做法有人表示支持,也有人并不赞成; 3. 我认为--- 范文一 Should parents send their kids to art classes? A child ’s world is supposed to be fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement. Unfortunately, this is not the case for some kids, especially for those born and bred in cities --- their joys are dimmed and even lost because a majority of them are forced to attend various art classes. Some claim that it is beneficial for children ’s development. They might have their reasons because most parents are convinced that their kids are gifted gifts from the god. They presume that the earlier their children are exposed to arts, the more likely it is to find out the artistic potential hidden in them. Even if their children fail to e another child prodigy like Lang Lang or Li Yundi, the interests in arts, say, in music, cultivated in childhood will be of great value in their whole life. In spite of the possible benefits mentioned, I, like others, am strongly against it. The major harm is that it might deprive children of their pleasure to play after school. Faced petition and contest for better universities, most children are buried in piles of homework. Forcing them to art classes will leave them less time to enjoy the beauty of the nature or to find their talent in things they are really interested in. To sum up, childhood isa time for children to play as they wish. Rather than cramming knowledge, it is more important to pave the way for their desire to know than to put them ona diet of facts they are not ready to assimilate. 范文二 Recently there has been much discussion as to the desirablity of parents sending their kids to various art classes. G