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文档介绍:摘要生活中存在许多需要使用优化的情况,而为了解决这种情况便出现了很多的优化算法. 模拟退火算法就是多种优化组合算法中的一种,它一直以来都是一个优化领域的热点,收到广大研究者的关注. 作为优化组合算法中的佼佼者,它拥有相较于早期其他优化算法更便于计算,使用灵活适用于并行运算的优点,,在1953 年被 Metropofis 提出这种先进的思想,而后被 Kirkpatrick 等人于 1983 年引入到优化组合领域中,从此模拟退火算法就成为了许多优化算法中的一种. 当然对于这种优越的算法并不仅仅是用于简单的优化问题中,它可用于的领域包括着工程科学在内的多种领域中.(删掉,摘要里不需要写这些) 模拟退火算法虽然在各个领域中有着十分的成就,但它在组合优化上还是占有着非常重要的地位. 本文中将会对于模拟退火算法的背景做出简述,并对模拟退火算法的原理内容做出介绍. 为了更加清楚的了解模拟退火算法的性能,本文中对其举出例子来演示其在优化问题中的表现. 在组合优化领域中 NP(NP-Hard) 问题一直都是一个麻烦的问题,尤其其中著名的旅行商问题有着简单、麻烦的特点. 简单是指它的问题描述最为简化时,就是在几个点中找出最为短的路径;. 关键词: 模拟退火算法;组合优化问题; TSP 问题内蒙古工业大学本科毕业论文 Abstract Many require the use of optimization condition exists in life, and in order to resolve this situation occurs many optimization algorithm. Simulation bination of several optimization algorithm of simulated annealing algorithm, it is always ahot one optimization field, received the majority of researchers. As a leader bination optimization algorithm, it pared to other early optimization algorithm more easy to calculate, the use of flexible advantages of puting, solve the infeasible factor part of traditional algorithm cannot avoid large-scale problems. Simulated annealing algorithm derived from the simulated annealing process, in1953 Metropofis proposed the advanced ideas, and then by Kirkpatrick et al in1983 into the optimization in the field, then the simulated annealing algorithm isone of many in the optimization algorithm. Of course, this algorithm isnot only superior to simple optimization problems in various fields, which can be used in fields including engineering science in. Simulated annealing algorithm is very ess in every field, but it is in binatorial optimization and occupies a very important position. This paper will make a brief for the simulated annealing algorithm to make the background, principle and content of the simulated annealing algorithm. In order to more clearly understand the performance of simulat


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