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上传人:圭圭 2022/5/16 文件大小:18 KB




There is no denying the fact that 让步,例女口: A has a long tradition of ).

instanee, .... (with ........ / when ....... / There are .......... , who ....... ). It is,
hence, ______ (adj for sb to do ).
Last but by no means the least, ............ 现象(句子) ............. on the ground
that ____ .In fact, , and it should be/do _____ . After years of researches, , a
(A not only
disti nguished scholar once stressed/ poin ted that/ remarked, 倒

装,but also ........ ./ It is 强调句,that ........... / Barely anyone can 双重否定
without ........ ) ”.
There is no denying the fact that 让步,例女口: A has a long tradition of ).
Rece ntly the phe nomenon of_ has aroused great concerns from all stripes of
society. /However, a virtual of is tak ing shape in prese nt, arous ing concerns
from all stripes of society. /Nowadays, a trend of has bee n beco ming in creas in
gly clear, which _ . It would n ot be a stretch to say th __________ .
Accordi ngly, it is urge nt to explore the causes for such_ , in order to avoid this
embarrass ing situati on.
(2) 争论型
A: It is uni versally ack no wledged that _____ . Rece ntly, a questi on about


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