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文档介绍:第1页 /总页数 6 页

A month, the city
I slowly walked down the road, dark yellow light spin I fig "do". On a whim, I found a small stick, to do draw up, after a stroke, stood up and feet have some numbness, moonlight spilled a ground through the bamboo chopped finely ground, like a phosphor powder sprinkled on the ground. Time is too late, then I walked along the road back, found that this is not the dark night, looking up at the sky on the wheel, such as just after the water wash jade, crystal, bright, so beautiful! To the grandmother home, found the grass outside the clause, several children play on the xi xi ha ha, said that the moon for a while, a moment a few stars, moonlight in their pure smile. A few old man sitting next to take a cattail leaf fan, for a moment to see children play, for a moment at the moon, light kind smile corners of the mouth, they may be looking at the moon reminded of his own childhood. I looked at it also reminded his lips. Back home, grandma has help me to pack the room, small room, a bed, bed clean and tidy, the head of a bed and a small table, there are a small desk lamp on the table, a small pot and a cup. Although city buildings than the bedroom, but also could not say clean and comfortable. I rushed to the bed, catch a cold is to lay down, the bed by the window, grandma is a bungalow, looked up, he saw the round and bri


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