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文档介绍:初中英语单词练****br/> 赞同________
Though no one ______(agree with), he insisted on(坚持) learning playing the piano. ______(m
The ____(weigh) of these apples is about five kilograms.
The doctor is ____(test) my grandpa’s hearing carefully.
Clare ___(form) close friendships with her classmates since she went to university,
I didn’t want t give up the ____(机会), so I decided to go on the trip.
The travel agency called me to _____(填写) out a form about my information to book the air ticket for me.
Then I looked for my _______(护照)and packed(打包) my bags.
That night we had a great party in the open air. The hotel _____(提供) delicious food for us. We enjoyed a great show, too.
We are all proud of Tim’s ____(successful) in getting the job as a theatre manager.

Anna won’t go to the movies because she _____(prefer) to go shopping.
Jack has collected many postcards and the French one is _____(valuable) among them.
It is ___(确定的)that hobbies can help us get relaxed after busy work or life.
Though no one ______(agree with), he insisted on(坚持) learning playing the piano. ______(millions of) people come to Hangzhou for visiting the West Lake.
My father won’t be back _____ _____ _______of the 。
I think Hainan is a good pla


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