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上传人:jiqingyong12 2017/4/2 文件大小:570 KB





文档介绍:摘要松原奥林匹克花园(一期) 16号楼是位于我国北方的一座高层建筑, 是一栋综合性高层建筑。建筑物总高度 m。该建筑属于ⅠⅠ类高层,地下一层主要有水泵房和水池及停车场,层高为 m;一、二层设有商铺和公寓,商铺层高 m公寓层高 3m;三至十二层为公寓,每层层高为 m;阁楼层主要为水箱间,层高为 。本次设计主要内容包括给水系统、排水系统、消防系统三部分水源由市政给水管网供给小区给水泵房,通过给水泵房贮水池加压供水。给水系统采用分区供水,低区 1到6层,高区 7到12层。排水系统采用污、废水合流制,排水立管设伸顶通气管,消防系统为消火栓系统和喷淋系统,消火栓系统采用水泵水箱联合供水。消火栓系统布置:保证三股进水(水泵进水,水泵结合器进水和水箱给水)畅通。因建筑高度不超过 100 m,消火栓系统不分区布置,消火栓均采用减压消火栓。自动喷洒系统布置:因建筑高度不超过 50m,所以自动喷洒系统不采用分区布置。给水管采用 PP-R 管;排水管采用 UPVC 管;消防系统均采用镀锌钢管。关键词: 消火栓系统;自动喷洒系统;给水排水系统;设计; Abstract Songyuan Olympic Garden (a) 16 building isa high-rise building located in the north of China, prehensive high-rise buildings. Total building height of . The building belongs to type Ⅰ tall, underground mainly have the pump house and water pool and parking, height is m; the one or two layer is provided with shops and apartments, shops storey apartment m height is 3M; three to twelve apartments, each floor height is ; the attic floor mainly for water tank room, storey is . The main content of this design includes three parts water supply system, drainage system, fire fighting system Water from the municipal water work supply of residential water supply pumping station, water supply by water pump tank pressurization. Water supply system using zoning, low area 1 to6 layers, high 7 to 12 layer. Drainage system using sewage, waste water sewage system, drainage tube provided with roof ventilation pipe, fire protection system for fire hydrant system and sprinkler system, fire hydrant system uses the pump tank joint water supply. Fire hydrant system arrangement: guarantee three shares of water (water pump inlet, bination device and water tank water). Because the building height of not more than 100 m, the fire hydrant system does not partition layout, fire hydrant, fire hydrant with pressure. Automatic sprinkler system arrangement: because the building height of not more than 50 m, so the automatic spraying system does not adopt the partition layout. Water suppl


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