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提高慢性心衰患者生活质量的护理对策分析 姜黎.pdf

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提高慢性心衰患者生活质量的护理对策分析 姜黎.pdf

上传人:香菱 2022/5/17 文件大小:1.79 MB


提高慢性心衰患者生活质量的护理对策分析 姜黎.pdf


文档介绍:中 国 医 药 指 南 2022 年 4 月第 20 卷  第 12 期 • 临床护理 • 125
ive nursing intervention
mode to complete heart failure nursing. Control group (47 cases) : select the basic nursing intervention to complete the nursing of heart failure;
The results of the Minnesota quality of life questionnaire for heart failure and satisfaction score for heart failure care were compared between
the groups. Results Before nursing, there were no significant differences in the scores of physical limitations (±), social relationship
(±), disease symptoms (±), total scores (±) between the nursing group and the control group (±),
(±), (±), and (±) (P>). After nursing, physical limitations score (±), social relationship score
(±), disease symptom score (±), total score (±) in nursing group were significantly lower than in control group
(±), (±), (±), and (±) (P<). The satisfaction score (±) in nursing group was significantly
higher than that in control group (±) (P<). Conclusion The rational use of comprehensive nursing intervention can significantly
improve the physical limitations, social relations and disease symptoms of patients with chronic heart failur