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文档介绍:第2页 /总页数 3 页

August 1 army day that day, I go with the scout condolences to the people's l 第2页 /总页数 3 页

August 1 army day that day, I go with the scout condolences to the people's liberation army uncle. We got off the bus, the first to see the road is clean, lush heaven tree stands on both sides.
Along the path we first visited their dormitory, an enter a door to see the neat and clean bed, especially the quilt up neatly, postage stamp like a square.
Then, we went to amphitheatre.
Where watched a movie, the movie name is a soldier's crown. The people's liberation army uncle is out of the sketch, scout also show the semaphore.
Finally, on the playground in the people's liberation army uncle let we witnessed of martial skills.
Their every action is neat, stiffness, strong clapped all scout can't help it.
I think these skills must be peace when the hard training of inseparable. Today's visit, let me to have further understanding soldier.
I want to learn after the people's liberation army uncle of the spi


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