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老托福阅读真题及答案:PASSAGE 20.docx

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老托福阅读真题及答案:PASSAGE 20.docx

上传人:杏杏铺 2022/5/19 文件大小:17 KB


老托福阅读真题及答案:PASSAGE 20.docx



文档介绍:老托福阅读真题及答案:PASSAGE 20
老托福阅读真题及答案:PASSAGE 20
In seventeenth-century colonial North America, all day-to-day coon legs and which had an iron lid. This is said to have worked well when it was placed in the fireplace, surrounded by glowing wood embers, with more embers piled on its lid.
1. Which of the following aspects of domestic life in colonial North America does the passage mainly discuss?
老托福阅读真题及答案:PASSAGE 20

In seventeenth-century colonial North America, all day-to-day cooking was done in the fireplace. Generally large, fireplaces were planned for cooking as well as for warmth. Those in the Northeast were usually four or five feet high, and in the South, they were often high enough for a person to walk into. A heavy timber called the mantel tree was used as a lintel to support the stonework above the fireplace opening. This timber might be scorched occasionally, but it was far enough in front of the rising column of heat to be safe from catching fire.
Two ledges were built across from each other on the inside of the chimney. On these rested the ends of a "lug pole" from which pots were suspended when cooking. Wood from a freshly cut tree was used for the lug pole, so it would resist heat, but it had to be replaced frequently because it dried out and charred, and was thus w