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e victory in the competition and ten percent in hard work.
26. Learning is like starting with anise, but it will grow stronger with each passing day.
27. Those who have achieved great things in ancient times have not only extraordinary talents, but also perseverance.
28. The weak lose opportunities, the strong seize opportunities, and the wise seize opportunities.
29. If you have a road, you must arrive at Qingxiao, and to be will return to Japan.
30. Having knowledge changes destiny, and having ideals changes attitude.
31. If you want to fight, you can win; if you want to fight, you can win.
32. Never work harder than intelligence, never make progress than starting point.
33. Laughing at the peak of life, only hardships bear fruit.
34. The work is dedicated to ambition, and the industry is extensive and diligent.
35. If you dont try, you will never succeed.
36. Work hard to rewrite the chapter of life; Reading at night, casting golden glory.
37. Man is the designer of his own happiness. Life is like a play, but you must never tease it.
38. Success comes from hard work, and hard work makes glory.
39. Success is by no means easy. We must redouble our efforts.
40. Although it is hard to make a fortune, it turns into gold after hard work.
41. Zhiqiang is wise, and words and deeds are fruitful.
42. Learning is wise, but not learning is stupid; To learn is to cure, and to learn is to chaos.
43. Never give up. We are the best team.
44. Be confident that if you live for 200 years, you will be a water hammer for 3,000 miles.
45. Seeking truth is our foundation, and innovation is our driving force.
46. Life is a bow, and the bowstring is a dream.
47. Dont make excuses for failure, just think of ways for success.


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