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文档介绍:海南医学2022年4 月第33卷第8期 Hainan Med J, Apr. 2022, Vol. 33, No. 8
doi:100 were selected. According to random number table method, they were divided into a study group and a control
group, with 118 patients in each group. The control group was given routine health management and nursing, and the
study group was given health management and nursing based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. After the physical
examination, the service satisfaction, service quality evaluation, incidence of emergencies, and average time of physical
examination were compared between the two groups. Results The service satisfaction of the study group was %,
which was significantly higher than % of the control group (P<). The scores of patients in the study group on ser-
vice environment, operation technology, and attitude were (±) points, (±) points, (±) points,
which were significantly higher than (±) points, (±) points, (±) points in the control group
(P<). The incidence of emergency in the study group was %, which was significantly lower than % in the
control group (P<). The average time of physical examination in the study group was (±) h, which was sig-
nificantly shorter than


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