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考虑配网功率约束及可靠供暖...热式电采暖系统优化调度方法 成美丽.pdf

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考虑配网功率约束及可靠供暖...热式电采暖系统优化调度方法 成美丽.pdf

上传人:学习的一点 2022/5/19 文件大小:742 KB


考虑配网功率约束及可靠供暖...热式电采暖系统优化调度方法 成美丽.pdf


文档介绍:: .
电测与仪表 际消耗功率与电网下发的负荷功率曲线的偏离程度最小为目标,确定
中图分类号:TM73 文献标识码:A

Optimal dispatching method for regenerative electric heating considering
the heating reliability and capacity of distribution network

Cheng Meili1, Cheng Tianle1, Fu Qianqian1, Xu Yurui2, Chen Wanqing2, Guo Mingxuan2
(1. Hainan Electric Power Design and Research Institute, Haikou 570100, China. 2. Key Laboratory of Smart
Grid of Ministry of Education(Tianjin University), Tianjin 300072, China)
Abstract:A optimal dispatching method for regenerative electric heating considering the heating reliability and
capacity of the distribution network is proposed. Firstly, based on the load heat demand, the load models are built,
and the regenerative electric heating equipment and system are modeled. Then, the load capacity model of
distribution network is established. Finally, with the restriction of transmission power of distribution network and
heating reliability, an optimal dispatching method of regenerative electric heating considering the heating
reliability and capacity of the distribution network is proposed. In order to minimize the daily operation cost and
the deviation degree of the distributed load, the optimal scheduling scheme of the electric heating system is
results show that the proposed method can make the best of the heat storage of regenerative
electric heating under the power constraints of distribution network.
Keywords:regenerative electric heating, capacity of distribution netwo


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