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一种基于单站的飞机起飞空间位置测量方法 刘晓磊.pdf

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一种基于单站的飞机起飞空间位置测量方法 刘晓磊.pdf

上传人:刘禅 2022/5/19 文件大小:1.09 MB


一种基于单站的飞机起飞空间位置测量方法 刘晓磊.pdf


Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance
ISSN 1673-9728,CN 61-12le
station measurement
Liu Xiaolei,Zhang Xingguo,Chen Bei
(Chinese Flight Test Establishment, Xi’an 710089, China)
Abstract: In order to obtain the precise spatial position, takeoff eccentricity, taxiing speed and other
parameters of the aircraft before takeoff, and provide an important evaluation basis for the
performance of the aircraft landing gear, a precise spatial position measurement method of aircraft
takeoff based on a single station camera is adopted. Taking the inertial navigation data extracted by
the aircraft itself as the constraint condition, the forward intersection model is simplified, and the
traditional intersection measurement of multiple cameras is changed into a single camera
measurement, which is compared with the total station measurement data, The analysis results show
that the measurement accuracy of the measurement method based on single station is better than
2cm, which meets the requirements of flight test mission.
Key words: phot