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基于无人机遥感的松材线虫病监测研究与展望 宗世祥.pdf

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基于无人机遥感的松材线虫病监测研究与展望 宗世祥.pdf

上传人:贾赦 2022/5/19 文件大小:1.03 MB


基于无人机遥感的松材线虫病监测研究与展望 宗世祥.pdf


Forest Pest and Disease
ISSN 1671-0886,CN 21-1459/S

中图分类号: S763. 16 文献标志码: A

Monitoring progress and prospect of pine wilt disease based on UAV remote sensing
ZONG Shixiang, BI Haojie
(Beijing Key Laboratory for Forest Pest Control, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract: As a devastating pine forest disease, pine wood nematode seriously threatens the ecological security
of our country and restricts the sustainable development of forestry. As an effective supplement to traditional
remote sensing methods, UAV remote sensing technology has played an important role in the monitoring of pine
wilt disease. This paper comprehensively summarizes the research progress of UAV remote sensing monitoring
of pine wilt disease at home and abroad. Then we discuss the problems of poor disease detection, large positioning
error, and inaccurate counting in monitoring due to factors such as UAV software and hardware conditions,
woodland environment, and the occurrence characteristics of pine wilt disease. Finally, we look forward to the