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文档介绍:安徽医学 第43卷第4期
400 Anhui Mwere compared between the two groups. After
12 months of follow - up, the cumulative survival rates of the two groups were compared. Results After three courses of treatment, there was
no statistically significant difference in the remission rate between the two groups of patients (P >0. 05). In terms of the complications (fa­
tigue ,nausea and vomiting, hair loss, white blood cell decline rate) between the two groups of patients during treatment, there was no statis­
tically significant difference (P >0. 05) . By the end of the follow - up, the cumulative survival rate of the imported group and the imported
sequential domestic group was % and 83. 30 respectively, there was no statistically significant difference in the survival curves between
the two groups (P>). The effect/cost ratio of the imported group and the sequential domestic group was 522. 32 yuan and 274. 92
yuan, respectively. The imported group was higher than the sequential domestic group, and each additional unit of effect would cost 8796. 95
yuan more than the sequential domestic group. Conclusions Imported sequential domestic rituximab and pure imported rituximab have simi­
lar efficacy, safety and prognosis in the treatment of non - Hodgkin' s lymphoma, but importe


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