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中 新生代旋回地层学研究及其油气地质意义——以惠州凹陷和煤山剖面为例.docx

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中 新生代旋回地层学研究及其油气地质意义——以惠州凹陷和煤山剖面为例.docx

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中 新生代旋回地层学研究及其油气地质意义——以惠州凹陷和煤山剖面为例.docx


中、新生代旋回地层学研究及其油气地质意义--以惠州凹陷和 煤山剖面为例
Supervised by Profs.Zha Ming and Prof.Chen Zhong-Qiang
Cyclostratigraphy is the subdiscipline of stratigraphy that deals with the identification, characterization,correlation,and interpretation of cyclic variations in the stratigraphic record and,in particular,with their application in geochronology by improving the accuracy and resolution of time—stratigraphic frameworks.Since the recognition of‘Milankovitch’orbital forcing as the‘pacemaker of the ice ages’,cyclostratigraphy has attracted more and more attentions from geoscientists and stratigraphers because it Can considerably enhance both relative and absolute age controls at a resolution of 1 0一1 00 Ka,better understanding of the sedimentology,quantification of rates and duration of sedimentary,climatic,and paleontological processes,as well as possibilities for correlation within and beyond the basin During the past two decades,there have been many efforts to construct an accurate geological timescale based on astronomical tuning of climatic response records to astronomical solutions. This provides a better accuracy than the conventional timescales which are often based on
linear interpolation between biozones and/or geomagnetic reversals and/or radiometrically dated calibration points.But in China,only few people focus on this discipline,with even no systematic introduction of cyclostratigraphy in Chinese.In this dissertation,we introduce the
fundamental conceptions,development history,research methods,and research status of
cyclostratigraphy in detail,and then undertake cyclostratigraphic research on several different geological times in the Huizhou Depression and the Meishan Section.
Several formations of Tertiary in the Pearl River Mouth Basin of South China Sea consist of deltaic siliciclastic and neritic shelf carbonate rhythmic alternations.To i