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“卡车+无人机”模式下带时间窗的取送货车辆路径问题 吴廷映.pdf

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“卡车+无人机”模式下带时间窗的取送货车辆路径问题 吴廷映.pdf

上传人:学习一点新东西 2022/5/19 文件大小:936 KB


“卡车+无人机”模式下带时间窗的取送货车辆路径问题 吴廷映.pdf


文档介绍:: .
中图分类号:; F252 文献标识码:A
Pickup and delivery problem with time windows in the mode
of "Truck + Drone"
WU Tingying, TAO Xinyue, MENG Ting
(School of Management, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China)
Abstract:Drones are increasingly used in logistics delivery due to their low cost, high-speed and
straight-line flight. Considering the small cargo capacity, limited endurance and other factors, this paper
optimized the pickup and delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows in the mode of "truck +
drone". A mixed integer programming model with the objective of minimizing transportation cost was
proposed and an improved adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm is designed to solve the
problem. In this algorithm, the performance of the algorithm is improved by designing various efficient
destroy operators and repair operators based on the characteristics of the model and introducing a
simulated annealing strategy to avoid falling into local optimum solutions. The effectiveness of the
model and the algorithm is verified through the numerical experiments, and the impact of the "truck +
drone" on the route cost is analyzed, the result of this study provides a decision basis for the route
planning of "truck + drone" mode delivery.
Keywords:"truck + drone" mode delivery; adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm; pickup and
delivery problem with time windows; vehicle routing problem


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