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上传人:小健 2022/5/20 文件大小:84 KB




文档介绍:How to jump out of the pig cycle (如何跳出猪周期)
Pork prices "stumble endlessly”, so that pig farmers embarrassed
How to jumme period last year every kilograms 3 cheaper 4 yuan; on the other hand, breeding costs have been rising, the size of pig farmers are losing money selling. Generally after the Spring Festival will usher in more than 3 months of traditional off-season, but this year is expected to be longer.
Pig price "stumble endlessly”, functional departments, large and small farmers are "racking their brains. Neixiang County Animal Husbandry Bureau deputy director Qi Bin told reporters that the off-season to do more work instead. First of all, the off-season is a timely opportunity for farmers to update sows, and the animal husbandry bureau is stepping up efforts to urge farms to seize the opportunity, update varieties, and increase production capacity to meet the next peak season. At the same time, pay close attention to training and production guidance to farmers. Faced with the loss, the size of farmers should have their own actions. In order to reduce losses, Wang Gaofeng will be able to sow the "family planning”, to reduce the breeding and other measures to lengthen the sow breeding cycle, so that yield reduction, loss will also be reduced. On the contrary, in the Zhang Shuhao farms, the number of sows per unit can not be reduced or increased. "I would like to store mo