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论诗歌翻译 英文 丹尼尔 奥尔布赖特.docx

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论诗歌翻译 英文 丹尼尔 奥尔布赖特.docx

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论诗歌翻译 英文 丹尼尔 奥尔布赖特.docx


On Translating Poetry
Daniel Albright
Abstract: Both Walt e r Benjamin and Ezra Pountranslation is by Walter Benjamin, originally the foreword to a translation of Baudelaire (1923):
On Translating Poetry
Daniel Albright
Abstract: Both Walt e r Benjamin and Ezra Pound have written b rilliantly on the theory of translation; but I regard Benjamin’s theory as ? awed by sense that any text is defective because it is written in a finite language (instead of an imaginary pre-Babel language intelligible to everyone), and Pound’s theory as ? awed because it regards logopoeia (verbal aspects of texts) as basically untranslatable. I try to remap the areas of transparency and opacity in language in more translator-friendly ways. I conclude with a discussion of my own work as a translator of poems by Heinrich Heine.
Key words: Walter Benjamin; Ezra Pound; translating poetry; language
Author: Daniel Albright is the Ernest Bernbaum Professor of Literature and teaches in the English, Comparative Literature, and Music departments at Harvard University. He is author of b o oks such as Beckett and Aesthetics, Modernism and Music, and Lyricality in English Literature. Most of his work concerns the interaction of the various artistic media such as literature, painting, and music. In 2000, his book Untwisting the Serpent: Music, Liter