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上传人:蓝天 2022/5/20 文件大小:84 KB




"Beautiful home" website operation plan
Website positioning: the family as the goal, relying on company s, temporary pass.
Three, the city buy:
In 10 years as a new network marketing model, customer personal information group purchase biggest effect is that in a short period of time to gather up a huge customer base, to obtain first-hand information, which plays an important role in the overall development of the website, through membership information to other segments, website forum and business, to provide enough popularity.
The traditional group purchase, mainly catering and service enterprises as the main target, the purpose is to gather the local business resources, customer resources, for the future of local businesses to provide advertising, promotional activities and so on basis of profit model, to snatch the traditional site local share preparation, for example, full handle sites nationwide, leopards for a long time, group and other local type website.
As a new group buying station, it is difficult to compete with the local websites such as hand handshandle and leopard regiment at the moment. But the substance itself is to do group purchase, sale of products and services. In addition, catering service enterprises and production enterprises more production of household products, fruits, nuts and so on regional characteristics, but also need to do sal