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The Use of Photon Attenuation Coefficents in the Calculation of光子衰减系数计算中的应用.ppt

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The Use of Photon Attenuation Coefficents in the Calculation of光子衰减系数计算中的应用.ppt

上传人:杨勇飞2 2022/5/20 文件大小:324 KB


The Use of Photon Attenuation Coefficents in the Calculation of光子衰减系数计算中的应用.ppt



文档介绍:The Use of Photon Attenuation Coefficents in the Calculation of光子衰减系数计算中的应用
Project Summary
Use radioactive sources The Use of Photon Attenuation Coefficents in the Calculation of光子衰减系数计算中的应用
Project Summary
Use radioactive sources to carry out RPC efficiency studies as a function of the background rate.
Use 55Fe that emits photons of energy ( keV) so that the # of electron-ion pairs generated is comparable to the # of electrons freed when a minimum ionizing particle (. a muon) passes through the RPC gas gap.
Study background rates between 10Hz/cm2 and 2-3kHz/cm2(CMS maximum).
Number of sources, distance from RPC, and strength are variable.
Use toy Monte Carlo to determine source configuration->sources will be custom made
Need mean free path for photons in RPC gas as input to the Monte Carlo
Nathan Sparks,ACU/UIUC HEPG
Possible Source Configuration
Nathan Sparks,ACU/UIUC HEPG
Monte Carlo Simulation
MC software available to calculate rates for 1 source (Dave Layton)
Absorption length
Dimensions of RPC
Source strength
Source position
Use code to optimize number of sources, locations, strengths (ongoing).
Nathan Sparks,ACU/UIUC HEPG
Absorption Length Calculation
Gas mixture: 95% R-134A, % I-Butane,
% SF6
Long Way …Look up: Photon attenuation coefficients at desired energy, molar masses, and gas dens


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