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上传人:Bonnacon 2022/5/20 文件大小:398 KB





  这本书不是一本不朽的游记:讲的既不是横渡大洋的危险航行,又不是沿着亚马孙河的漂流探险,只不过是次小小的旅行,乘着一只小小的船。但是不管怎么说也算是次经历吧,是你、我,或者随便是谁都会遇到的……返航之后,我们便会讲起有趣的故ith the letter'a'and I read from 'a'to'z'.I found that there was only one disease which I did not have.This made me a little unhappy.Why didn't I have that disease too?
  When I walked into that reading-room,I was a happy,healthy young man.When I left I was a very sick man,close to death…
  But I was talking about my heart-nobody understood how ill I really was.I had this bad heart when I was a boy.It was with me all the time.I knew that it was my heart because I had all the symptoms of a bad heart.The main symptom was that I did not want to work.Of course,nobody understood that the problem was my heart.Doctors were not so clever then.They just thought that I was lazy!
  'Why,you lazy boy,you,'they used to say.'Get up and do some work for once in your life!'they did not understand that I was ill.
  And they did not give me medicine for this illness-they hit me on the side of the head.It is very strange,but those blows on my head often made the illness go away for a time.Sometimes just one blow made the sickness disappear and made me want to start work immediately…
  Anyway,that evening,George and William Harris and I sat there for half an hour,and described our illnesses to each other.I explained to George and William Harris how I felt when I got up in the morning.William Harris told us how he felt when he went to bed.Then George stood in front of the fire,and,with great feeling,he showed us how he felt in the night.
  George always thinks he is ill,but really,there is never any-thing the matter with him,you know.
  At that monent Mrs Poppets,my housekeeper,knocked on the door.She wanted to know if we were ready to have supper.
  We smiled sadly at each other,and then we said that perhaps we should try to eat something.Harris said that a little food helped to prevent illness.So Mrs Poppets brought the supper in.We sat down at the table,and


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