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Don't play the bottle randomly, it is very harmful!
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Ast2012? Released, the person that weigh high fever, chills, joint pain, be agitated, convulsions, shock and even death, excessive play "infusion bag or bottle" also can cause human body water, electrolyte balance disorder.
No good quality injection can meet the ideal "zero particle” standard. A hospital in Beijing found that 598 particles from 4 to 30 micrometers were found in 1 ml 20 % of mannitol. 542 particles of 2 ~ 16 micrometers were detected in 1 ml 50% glucose and penicillin. There are so many particles in one milliliter of liquid medicine, and there are 200, 000 particles in that 500ml. The result of blood capillary of human body only 4 ~ 7 microns in diameter, if often play "infusion bag or bottle”, more than 4 micron particles in liquid will accumulate in heart, lung, liver, kidney, muscle, skin and blood capillary, long the bottom go to, will directly cause the microvascular thrombosis, increased bleeding and venous pressure, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary fibrosis and cancer. Particle plugging can also cause local blood supply deficiency, tissue ischemia, hypoxia, edema and inflammation, allergies, etc. The large number of particles in the human body is swallowed by macrophages, which can increase macrophages and form granulomas. One scholar dissected the body of a man who had lost 40 litres of a "hanging bottle" in a lifetime and found that there were more than 500 granulomas and a large number of microvascular plugs in the lungs alone. Because the infusion is also a stimulus to the blood vessels, long-term transfusion can often result in inflammation of the vein, swelling pain, local temperature rise, and even hardening.
The final effect of intravenous infusion and oral medication is completely consistent. If the patient' s gastrointestinal function is normal, it is not necessary to abuse the intravenous infusion. Abuse of intravenous fluids


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